When you’re a really, really little kid, you might get away with running to mommy or daddy when you can’t deal with the bullies on the playground anymore. But past the Flamingo my best friend may not be my sister by blood but she’s my sister by heart shirt, that really doesn’t work anymore. It just makes your playground woes that much worse. When you are really young, you basically have no role models outside of family members, teachers, and other kids you know. That doesn’t give you a whole lot to go on when it comes to developing character or your own opinions.
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But just look back and think about what your life would have been like if you had been an only-child, or the Flamingo my best friend may not be my sister by blood but she’s my sister by heart shirt. Your parents would have informed pretty much your entire worldview, at least until you started thinking for yourself. And that is a lot harder to learn how to do without someone else around who has learned to do it first.
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