Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 6, 2019

Feedback: Top Gun Maverick 2020 poster

I have to say, it's the first time I looked up Top Gun on the Top Gun Maverick 2020 poster and I was actually quite surprised that it only received a 6.4 rating. If you haven't seen the movie yet, don't judge it by the ratings, read a few user comments first and just rent it out, I guarantee you'll have a good time, especially with its amazing soundtrack! The best 80's songs ever written, I still get chills down my back listening to them ;) It's a simple plot but there's something about it that makes it a seriously enjoyable film and one you can watch time and time again.
Click link to buy this poster here: Top Gun Maverick 2020 poster
Top Gun Maverick 2020 poster
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There is a school of thought that says all movies should be compared on an absolute scale. It would say that movies must have a high level of credibility or familiarity in order to be "good" movies. People who fall into this category simply should not watch Top Gun Maverick 2020 poster. They won't enjoy it. Other people take the opposite, but no more valid approach of looking a each movie individually, disregarding all else but the movie. For these people, no outside reality or credibility is important, because for them, a movie exists to entertain in whatever way it chooses to.

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